
The Administration Department supports the city's core services and acts as a liaison for the City Council. The department's main functions include: support, enhancement, compliance and implementation of City Council policy, maintaining of official city records, including city code and public meetings. 


  • It is the responsibility of the Administration Department to coordinate with MnDOT, Scott County, School District, area cities and townships and other local or national governmental agencies to represent the interests of the people of Belle Plaine, with the approval of the City Council.
  • The Department is also responsible for effective recommendations in areas of policies, planning, administering community services, community development, public safety, administrative services, financial planning, and human resources. 
  • The Administration Department is responsible for communications and public relations to the news media and people in the community through the City's website, newsletter and various other methods of communication.


The City of Belle Plaine is a member of the Scott County SCALE organization. SCALE stands for Scott County Association for Leadership and Efficiency. For more information on the organization and tasks derived from this county-wide group, visit the website.